settle|settled|settles|settling in English


arrange; resolve, clear up; put in order; determine; pay a debt or bill; populate, fill with inhabitants; inhabit, establish a residence; sink to the bottom; calm, quiet; come to rest, land

Use "settle|settled|settles|settling" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "settle|settled|settles|settling" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "settle|settled|settles|settling", or refer to the context using the word "settle|settled|settles|settling" in the English Dictionary.

1. The settled sludge in the bottom of the settling tank is drawn off and returned to the aeration tank.

2. After that the “effluent,” as it is called, goes to a settling tank where the solids settle to the bottom as sludge.

3. The horse gives another snort and settles down.

4. Two people settling their divorce cordially is an example of settling Amicably.

5. Two people settling their divorce cordially is an example of settling Amicably

6. Mere centuries ago, Europeans settled a vast, relatively unpopulated continent, where they enjoyed unprecedented freedom and opportunity as their government mobilized them to settle the frontier.

7. Could just be settling.

8. As of 2015, Chips settles over 250,000 of …

9. The WTO organizes trade negotiations and settles trade disputes.

10. The grit settles in the quarries and the milk-white water is pumped up into tanks where the china clay settles slowly.Sentencedict

11. - Settling properties of activated sludge : the activated sludge in large flocs, must have good settling properties.

12. Settle down.

13. Colonizers: a person who settles in a new region.

14. Comments Off on Canada Settles Issues; America Belabors Them

15. Settle this.

16. Colonist: a person who settles in a new region.

17. Bryozoans are sessile and colonial, typically settling on hard substrate including sand grains, rocks, and shells, as well as on blades of kelp or other algae, although some species settle on softer sediment.

18. Certain powdery products, like flour, need time to settle during the packing process and, in order maximize Bagging production during the settling time, the Chronos high speed Carousel Bagging system has six filling spouts.

19. Conciliation means settling disputes without litigation

20. The Chortling Murrain becomes truly infectious when it settles into a Plaguebearer

21. The silence of death settles down over the enclosures for their “flocks.”

22. XXX dons her Byssine waistcoat and settles it into place

23. Settle down, bitch!

24. Your diarist settles down for a long session on the laptop.

25. They were Behindhand in settling their debts